Wait are you serious?
Wait are you serious?
Preparing for a shitstorm but: if you are 16 and talking to a 30 year old on the internet, and decide to meet, soberly and consciously, with said 30 year old for sex...what about that is abuse? Yes, yes I know what statutory rape is, but you're making the decision to have sex with a 30 year old. This isn't like some…
Woo good luck!!!
Yup. All I see is Cady Herron trying to play Elizabeth.
The dialogue and delivery is akin to what my high school drama department achieved. I went to high school in East Tennessee.
I got into Georgetown Law on Friday y'all! I'm soooo excited!!! It was my first choice and AH YAY.
I love a good beer and a good wine, and champagne. I can even drink the cheap stuff (hey 4 years of a state college). But my friends and I drank so much Evan Williams our freshman year that even the smell of whiskey, even good whiskey, makes me queasy. Shots are out of the question unless they're mixed with something…
That's tough, and his girlfriend sounds like an immature possessive nutty person. He also seems immature and shitty if he can't stand up for you and your friendship. Cut your losses and move on. You can and will find better friends! It's not your fault!
You guys. I met a guy a few months ago through one of my roommates. They were high school friends and he was visiting a mutual friend before going to France for a year to teach. Anyway, he gave me a ride home from the bars and subsequently added me as a Facebook friend and I didn't think much of it. Fast forward a…
Well yeah, I know that. But in that context it was so so wrong. And his run-on sentences. Kill me.
The worst part is his constant use of "me and my parents." NOOOOOO MY PARENTS AND I UGH UGH UGH.
Lindy, will you be my Facebook friend?
Exactly. And I think the people complaining that Jezebel posted the kids' names need to realize that THEIR NAMES ARE ON THEIR PUBLIC TWITTERS. Here is a lesson on the Internet, kids: What you post can be seen by people and there are consequences. And if you are a vile human being who says other vile things about…
Why did I quit ballet before it became cool? Kicking self. Also, ABT>NYCB.
OMG hearted.
Y'all, I cried and got chills when I saw that picture. This is the exact reason I want to go to law school and be a human rights lawyer. This picture really shows that people are people, no matter what, no matter where they're from or who they are. All the hate and fear and ignorance needs to chill for a minute and…
Bahaha. I'm a senior now so Taylor was a year older than my roommates and me. Know lots of people in her graduating class though. If he ever gets really poor, he can sell those messages? I feel like I've heard the "follow through the halls, send creepy myspace messages" thing before.. we probably know a lot of the…
Wait did you go to UT? I go to UT and my roommates both went to high school with her. I also know a couple of girls who have dated guys featured in some of her songs. My roommates say she was a bully, super judgmental, and constantly trying to win the affections of guys who already had girlfriends. Probably material…