Disappointing Snacks

To be fair Trump BARELY won the electoral college, and LOST the popular vote.

you’re gonna love PolySci 201 

Overall, perhaps Bush Jr was worse, though time will tell.

In the lead up though...sweet Jesus, Trump was a nightmare of a candidate. Horrendous racial politics, a sketchy background only further fueled by his resistance to any sort of transparency, while demanding it of those around him, an inability to keep his story

and by and large their turnout was quite good

A bunch of them would have voted for Obama a third time, if they could.

yeah, as much as I’m down with Kaepernick, that was a REALLY bad move by him. Still kind of can’t believe he did that.

Trump won Wisconsin because black people didn’t vote, as well as a lot of other places Obama took before. Funny how everyone forgot how many white people voted for Obama - twice. Suddenly, we are a nation of Nazis.

The funny thing is her Root shout out. The people at The Root look at white liberals like like her and the gals at Jezebel with great disdain whenever they bring up “white feminists”, Beckys or white women in general.

I laughed three times in the opening paragraph. White guilt used to be my favorite guilt. Misplaced white guilt is even better though.

This has already been said a million times already but this self-righteous “you decided not to eat meat so deal with it” attitude drives me crazy. It’s as if daring to complain about bad veggie burgers is somehow not “dealing” with the ramifications of one’s decision not to eat meat. Should I sh*t all over my friend

Negan is the Platonic ideal of “screenwriter’s convenice”. His actions, behavior, and motivations are incoherent and are based around plot points more than organic character growth.

I have a strange fascination with A Prairie Home Companion. The music bits, even with the new guy, are just awful.* So square and soulless. I recently read about some neo-Nazi group that wanted to make synthwave the official music of the alt-right because he thought it was the whitest music in existence. This guy had

If she were married to a man who wasn’t systematically destroying democracy, actively trying to kill American citizens via “healthcare,” flirting with nuclear war, and generally turning an entire nation into an embarrassment, then yeah, we might give her a pass on the decorations.

That’s Putin in a wig!

I think it’s actually kind of pretty. In an eerie way. Much better than the garish display you would expect from the Trump’s, however.

It’s Eastern Bloc-festive. 

And that affect of the bending knees and leaning sideways for emphasis....uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh......

Last season: We have no guns

At the end of the day, this was kind of an asshole thing to post. You know it, everyone else knows it. Whether they approve or not is a reflection on them. How you feel at the end of the day is something else.

I'm afraid to tell you that from an environmentalist standpoint, your friend is most definitely right. Eating meat is just bad for the environment. I try to eat only humanely raised animals but while that is better for the individual animal, often it's worse for the environment as a whole.