Disappointing Snacks

Kilgore Trout.

Well, to be fair I was referring to the persistent "But what about the children" focus this season, which I thought was heavy handed most of the time and a departure from the original tone of the show, not the Bloody Lizzie scene which I thought was shocking and awesome. So, really.

Well, and zombies are kind of cannibals themselves, right? Maybe it's a "if you can't beat em, join em" kind of thing. Post psychotic break, that is.

Pumping gas into the candle room to blow the whole place sky high? Lol! I wouldn't have seen that one coming, that's for sure!
Btw, did anyone wonder where they got all those candles? Food is scarce enough to turn to cannibalism, but they must have knocked over the Bath and Body outlet on their way in because that

Could you shoot them in the head?
Could you, would you since they're dead?

See, I think he's done a horrible job. This season has been all over the place in a car made of melodrama. I don't get the feeling he really has something to say- just feels like he's pulling together a weekly show.

"I'm sad the kids were gone."

The state of my outrage is strong.