
I mean, he doesn’t write about anything other than games when he isn’t writing about stuff other than games. His byline says “I write about video games, television, movies and the internet.” He appears to write as frequently about the Walking Dead as he does games, and the games he covers are exclusively the topics du

This would require Gamers and Youtubers to actually developa comprehensive understanding of game development and the industry from anything other than an Armchair Dev level, which they will never ever do.

This kinda shit is why I rarely play online and hesitate to classify “video games” as one of my hobbies. Fuckin gamers, man

Can’t we please stop assuming that every time ALL OF THE WORK isn’t put into every single thing, that it’s immediately the pinnacle of laziness, or that we at least have to whine about how we’re just not getting all of the value that we wanted? I’m getting tired of it. Films re-use sets. Disney re-traced over old

This follows in a long tradition of the non-games press failing to understand much of anything about games in their reporting.

Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?