
This CGI bashing is getting to Hobbit-levels of grating and old. Sorry but the amount of times I’ve seen people take cheap shots at what I consider to be really impressive CG that more than adequately helps fulfill the needs of the story was a tired old yard four years ago, let alone today. I mean yeah, it was

When who calls? My current employer? The ones who happily schedule me 40 hours every week and have always given me the maximum raise at every evaluation? Is that who you are talking about?

I know where I WON’T be shopping this Black Friday. As a habit, I refuse to shop any store that can’t respect its employees’ holiday time with their families. Such greedy practice deserves to end in failure.

So Blizzard wants their best pro players treated like actual people and employees of a company rather than “just gamers who should feel lucky to even be involved”.

That’s your problem with this?

I assume Jake Gyllenhaal is busy?

Is there one for Kinja sites yet?

Microsoft: *Hour-long presentation featuring like three dozen games and an actual car for some reason*

I like none of the starter (they’re not bad though, I don’t dislike them either) but I am waiting to see their evolutions. I love the two legendaries though, for the first time in years I’m going to have a hard time deciding between them.