
Those are all generic specs. The same stuff that's been rumored for awhile.  It's just circular reporting off speculation.  

Uh oh what is Jason Schreier going to do now? What's his life going to come to when he can't monetize and capitalize on crunch culture? 

This website is just an absolute joke now.  No one takes it seriously and it has very little credibility.  I just come here for the hilariously bad takes. But you like me doing that because it gets you those sweet sweet ad click dollars. 

Just Google something you like followed by Lego. If you can't figure it out maybe you shouldn't try to be cool

Just Google something you like followed by Lego. If you can't figure it out maybe you shouldn't try to be cool

Youare trying to use logic and reason to argue with emotion and insanity.  You won't convince them no matter how right you are. They thrive on being outraged and victims. 

Great reporting Luke. You copied and pasted an article. Why not do some real journalism and actually look into PS5/Xbox supply chain issues and report on that? Why not do a little digging and see exactly what is being held up and why? Is it JUST demand? Is it a lack of resources? Production at capacity? Are COVID

Yup and all those 2nd hand sales aren’t going to the original manufacturers so they are losing out on all those sales and $$ in the meantime.

You don’t have kids so you don’t get it. Being the cool mid 30s uncle is not the same as raising kids and dealing with their daily...everything.

This Kotaku response sounds like it was written by someone without kids.

Who cares. This is the dumbest shit ever.  Who wastes their life investigating this crap?

You captured my exact thoughts on the arcade. No real arcade would have any real free space lol.  They jammed as many games in as possible.  I guess for gameplay it makes sense,  but a fight in a maze of arcade games sounds so much funner! 

I think it was like 91/92 I got my first cd but cassettes still dominated for a few more years.  As a kid it was largely due to cassette Walkmans being superior to cd based ones until the late 90s. 

Is it really that shocking that adults who obsessively and addictively idolize a juvenile immature game have mental and social issues?

This article is just ridiculous. Kotaku has a hard on for slagging studios for overtime crunch but really have no idea about other industries. Can’t make a game without workers but the workers aren’t willing to sacrifice short term to get better benefits long term, so they just continue on while sites like yours white

8 million pre orders.  Your points are meaningless if the title sells. 

Shhh this isn’t a real tech blog...it is video games TMZ...

Your essay or whatever this was, was significantly longer than the actual encounter.

Smart guy. "You want to fire me from my own company over unproven allegations?  Fuck you, I'm taking the IP and assets and you can fuck yourselves. " cutthroat.  I love it.

Not really.  Now if your example was that target and walmart are the only two stores that exist...maybe...