Who cares. They could quit if they couldn’t handle their corporate culture. If enough people left it would impact their company.
Who cares. They could quit if they couldn’t handle their corporate culture. If enough people left it would impact their company.
Reading comprehension is fun. Looking at pictures is fun too.
Lold a cool 10 million and this is swept under the rug. Class action settlement just proves this was only about a cash prize and not the principal of what Riot did. Look how quick morals, values, and righteousness end when a few $$ is thrown around.
Lold a cool 10 million and this is swept under the rug. Class action settlement just proves this was only about a cash prize and not the principal of what Riot did. Look how quick morals, values, and righteousness end when a few $$ is thrown around.
Lol middle school...
Why should I care? If I cancel it's for a good reason. Most likely the car didnt arrive in time and now im stuck waiting longer for another vehicle. I'm the customer, I shouldn't be charged for my time being wasted.
20 miles? In modern tech that is essentially standing next to someone and punching them. If you think you’ll get to anywhere near to within 20 miles with a large surface vessel and not already be inundated with fires, your living in the wrong century.
Thats all well and good but aside from ships and maybe some armor, installing a water barrier on most military assets would he incredibly hard. Not to mention what happens when you add that much to the weight and mass of something.
It isn’t even just the market, Tencent owns a stake of Blizzard. Due to Chinese laws, Tencent is beholden to the Chinese government. It’s direct government influence in an American company that goes beyond just money. It's morals and principles. Blizzard gives those up for money.
Ssure Blizzard. Remind me again what percent stake Tencent has in your company?
Two VERY different games. If you can't tell that and understand they have different audiences, then you shouldn't be in games journalism.
Wrong. Look at just PS4 sales...STRONG. plus xbox and switch sales. the console is far from dead or dying.
So now Legos are racist?
The fact you use an astrological sign as justification for anything proves your 40 years around men has taught you nothing. Your indecisiveness hammers that home further.
Her whole job is to be objectified. She is a social media "influencer". Her whole job is to take cute pictures and shill crap. She is where she is from it.
Even the playing field by applying the same standards to both. If your not, then it’s a double standard.
To be fair the only reason she gets attention is because she is cute. Her popularity most likely is due to male followers. She uses her looks for popularity then complains when she gets harassed. Then she attacks her fanbase with a generic gender based attack.
Why don't you like steam and valve? What's the issue exactly here
So wanting equality until you get a taste of it? Using hypersexual depictions of men and women are OK and normal... but when it's a trans person all of a sudden it's wrong? Sound the alarms. Clutch the pearls! Write 10000 words!
Rreally that’s your issue? That’s going to stop you from enjoying the game? Do you have a problem with Tifas large breasts too? She is obviously a misogynistic representation of women right?