IF this comes out, its going to be a buggy bad mess. This honestly looks like a few staged scenes built for a kickstarter.
IF this comes out, its going to be a buggy bad mess. This honestly looks like a few staged scenes built for a kickstarter.
That moment when an obvious joke causes some armchair socialist to be triggered.
Please explain. How does the government selling old, unneeded vehicles have anything to do with providing a justification for cutting military spending?
LOL pushed to piracy??? If you can afford $60, you can afford $70 for a non-essential item like a GAME. You aren’t complaining about rising prices as you spend your last few dollars on food or other essential items. You are crying about a GAME.
If your totally out if diapers because a delivery was 1 day late, your a bad unprepared parent.
This type of practice has been going on for years. It’s a shame but it’s not always against the little guys. Example.
Sounds like you were reading a prepared statement under duress.
Rewatch the movie. Forest literally ignores what he is told to be with the people he loves. The entire movie is about love and relationships and what lengths people will go for each other. Its about life and how you’re never going to know where you will find yourself.
Its a message about despite your upbringing and disadvantages, you can achieve success. Really in the end it was Forest's relationships that defined him and not his money. His mother, Lt Dan, and Jenny.
You don’t want to make fun of kanye because of some alleged mental issues...yet you write an entire article ripping him apart. Justified of course.
Jjust the fact you only state the most extreme versions of both sides is very telling. You clearly think one side is right and wrong but in reality both extremes are absolutely fucking ridiculous. Period.
If that is the message you took away from Forest Gump....wow...idk how to save you.
I disagree. What was great about Michael Scott is he was an inappropriate ass but he wasn't malicious and he genuinely cared for his employees. They made plenty of episodes that humanized him and let you sympathize with him. That's why it wa sso great because he was a full character and not just a baffoon. We all…
Art shouldn’t have boundaries. If you find a piece of art to be offensive, then you are too sensitive for whatever that piece of art is and should move on. The goal shouldn't be to shame and destroy.
I too try to kill the sharks from a boat. I watched Jaws too many times as a kid. I get the same feeling from similar game situations, Arkham City with the Penguin’sPenguin's Shark was....tense..
If you think that is how the game works then you are over reacting and haven’t thoroughly read reviews and articles. I’m 20 hours in and haven’t come across a single transaction or need for one.
So you think VR is more fitting for something resembling that Eddie Murphy SNL sketch from the 80s....and not something like flying a fighter jet?
Right. Stealing is always the answer. Fucking loser.
Aactually games are cheaper now than ever. Cost per new game has stayed steady or dropped since the 80s and adjusting for inflation that means that games now are cheaper even at a 60 or 70 price point.