
Clueless and slow. PA drivers are the absolute worst on the east coast until you get to florida.

Exactly what I was going to say... but I doubt it would do much. If your not that 1 asshole going 65 in the left lane, your doing 80+ and passing everyone anyway.

They are not at all like bitcoins except that they are digital and hold some sort of economic value. Otherwise they are incredibly dissimilar. Skins are more like digital collectibles. Some are worth more and only hold value based on the market of who wants to buy them.

I thought the reason they went to WW2 was to get away from all the goofy shit. WW2 MP is the best since MW2, and probably better overall.

So basically battlefield hard line just instead of drugs, it’s racism?

I don’t care how my gamer cred she has, let’s be real here, the ONLY reason that ahe has a “career” and followers is because she flaunts her huge knockers.

Sounds like your really reaching here on this one. Sounds like they are thanking the MGSV team because Survive is more or less a mod and wouldn’t be possible without V and it’s assets.

Well the space shuttle is bad example. Not only do they do test flights but they do tweak after missions...and you know especially after 2 shuttles exploded....

That’s not a guarantee. Markets and values change daily. It’s an arbitrary value that could be zero in a few months or years. Especially when you look at baseball cards, almost guarantee if you bought anything in the mid 90s it’s essentially worthless compared to what you paid.

As with a lot of these cases I err on the side of people making bad financial decisions is not a company’s fault. Their position is that if YOU want that car and no one will lend you money, we will. After that it is on YOU to pay us back.

Weird I got my switch on release day and always remember that being a feature. It’s possible they added it in a week or two later and my dates are a little off but I’ve been collecting gold this whole time with nothing to spend it on.

Assuming you’ve had sex before, have you ever asked to see someone’s ID beforehand? I certainly haven’t and I would put good money down that 99.9999% don’t either.

This is so fucking ridiculous. You can’t erase all his accomplishments because he ALLEGEDLY harassed a few people 5 decades ago. You can’t hold 1970s culture to 2018 values and ideals.

Everything you write is incredibly biased, uninformed anti-business drivel. You know, the type of business like Univsion which owns this site that pays you to write immature trash. Maybe that is part of the reason why they want to dump GMG already.

That’s understandable but honestly if he isn’t relatable to you by now he probably won’t be. He is already a much more friendly household name compared to his image in the early 90s.

Nah your logic sucks. Just because he faked playing a game doesn’t make him a fake gamer. He can definitely be a gamer and have faked playing this game for money.

Ugh my childhood store is closing after being open for 30+ years.

Demonize how? By providing realistic examples of what fat people go through? How are facts demonizing?

Why does there need to be an excuse? Why can’t their just be an attractive female character that wears skimpy clothes?

Check out Mafia III. 60s Louisiana. They really nailed the setting and feel.