
Nope, Yoda tells him he won’t be a Jedi till he faces Vader again.

Shit. Shitty. Crap. Crappy. Excrement. Not enough fecal adjectives to use on this miserable excuse for a lowest common denominator TV show.

Didn't they do that with Corasant?

You mean Coruscant?

TL;DR: “I want Star Wars, but without any of that Star Wars stuff.”

Have you considered that maybe you just don’t like Star Wars?

“Everything success of the heroes has been rendered moot”

So in your mind both Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens are no better than the prequels? Harsh...

Bonus reminder- The IT Crowd is much better.

Wait: who thought that she gave into anger in the fight with Rylo Ken? It looked to me like she calmly tapped into herself to focus, and then, you know, fought. While the point about her learning “too” fast, and therefore possibly getting impatient is a good one, and could have legs, I never, ever got the impression


But some episodes were extremely offensive. Fortunately only a few.

Ooh, can I play?


tBBT is especially evil. It deserves to be called out.

Having an education and knowing a lot about one thing doesn’t mean you know a lot about everything or even that you have good taste.

There was a time, however, when those stereotypes were empathetic, fleshed out creatures (or at least entertaining) and the plots serviced a higher echelon of verbal comedy.

I think everybody in the show got hitched or something last time I checked.