
Someone who is the best in the world didn’t get there by only learning lessons from losing. Those types of people learn quite a bit even when they win. I’m 100% certain no one is going to look back and think “wow if it wasn’t for that masters meltdown his career would be what it is!” This type of thinking is just a

He’ll be easy to convict because Will Smith’s killer also left a set of fresh prints.

His picture would be included in this article, that’s for fuckin sure.

I'm sure if the perp was a white frat bro, he'd be receiving the same amount of cautious reserve and empathy as this black homeless guy.

“...that I hope will serve as a giant blinking warning sign to any future employer of his...

Me thinks your white guilt is preventing you from criticizing a black woman and blinding you from the obvious which was that Banks vitriol was genuine.

yeah, its like reverse affirmative action.

I think companies really need to get out of the habit of hiring SJWs just because the internet demands it. It only encourages censorship and bullying other people into believe what you want

Regardless of what you intended by that comment, it simply does not read that way at all. You just made a gigantic statement about White males.

conservative working-class white men—a demographic base rather famous for its hostility toward “The Media” in the first place.

97% of scientists do not believe that climate change is man made and this had been repeatedly debunked:

I have zero skin in this game, but what I can tell you is a “consensus” is completely irrelevant when it comes to science. That is a bullshit argument. You know what else used to be a consensus? That the earth was flat and that blood letting was a valid form of medical treatment. Find a better example than a

Get with the times, Noah. It’s not called global warming anymore. It’s called climate change now, because the only real, scientifically proven climate change is cyclical and natural. The term “climate change” also includes the pseudoscience called global warming because Clinton’s and Gore’s tax credit pushing

I just know this was written by a feminist who made up her mind about this kid before she even read the article. Disgusting

How does deadspin balance its “feminism” with its love for black athletes? Black men love beating women

And they'd go triple apeshit if someone said "maybe the victim did something to incite the attack"

To be fair, if some white students lied about being attacked by black students, you guys would go apeshit. I think the backlash has been more than fair considering.

My face is already quite punchable.

Pandas can’t even fuck without our help. If we stopped exploiting them, they would cease to exist.