
it’s “wrong”? who are you to judge?

so one side has purple hair, cant tell diff between men and women, believes in racial equality and throws bottles of piss at “haters” - and that’s the side Kleppy won’t make fun of.

your seamless tard-jargon really adds to my understanding

do you want some rock grubs to go with your nigwine?

maybe the real story here is niggers cant run a city.

yeah or like the jews getting kicked out of 109 countries

yeah that’s not what happened. good to see you leftists absolute commitment to the lie extends beyond “hands up dont shoot” to sports.

aaaaand it’s a nigger. color me shockt

Anyone mention Heather Heyer died of a heart attack - never touched by car? I doubt it.

We don’t want to live in a third-world country, you gaslighting communist.

“Can’t”? Well, not by law. But of course neither they nor your side respect the law.

yeah, they need food and water, that’s why they steal nikes and flat-screen tvs.

‘Journalist’defends nigger criminals. Yawn.

is ronaldo a jew?

They were prepared, they were told to stand down. The journalists won’t tell you that the pols fed the white protesters to the antifa so they’d be attacked. Then they declared emergy and yanked the permit. It was a trap, and they will get sued for it. You simply cannot believe anything a leftist journalist writes, not

dummy...the left started it. like every time. think this about yourself: you’re so fucking stupid you can’t make out that journalists deliberately lie about who started the violence - every time. you know how you tell? use of “clashed” or “erupted.” because if the white side initiated it, they would switch to active

discoloreds suck at fighting like everything else

By what objective standard is he a demented lunatic; I mean, besides making you cry?

Or, better, the nazis observed the left had initiated the violence at the last half dozen rallies, and reasonably prepared to defend themselves. You know - reality. The stuff the (((media))) print the opposite of.

If the message is absurd, the left wouldnt need to ban it. Alt-right can outargue the left. Doesn’t need to ban it. Left has no arguments, just censorship and violence.