
maybe start by not hating normal white people

is everyone who disagrees with you horrible? you know who invented PC? Lenin. and his jew-commies murdered 60 million. maybe you, his ideological kin, arent the good guy.

with your thumb in your mouth like usual?

he’s not white, he’s a jew

“not everyone is a retard like your mom.”

clinton abused women the man she was married to raped. but of course you dont care about that. you’re blind, and willfully so.

you talking about minority support for clinton?

maybe people didnt want to be verbally abuse by the love & tolerance set and concealed their true feelings. or maybe the (((media))) were simply lying as usual.

funny how the people you’re apologizing to never stop trying to get into the country made by the people you’re apologizing for. it’s almost like they know something you dont

ethics training from the BBC. now that is funny

wherever blacks go, those violent guns seem to find them.

i dont see any consequences for saying “i hate whites.” do you?

yeah, it should be illegal to disagree with you, because you’re not an asshole

blacks are systematically (legally and socially) privileged and their literal criminal actions excused by the (((media)))

auschwitz - that’s where the imaginary gas chambers were located, isn’t it?

he’s a nigger. the vast majority of them act like he did.

niggers...they’re all like that

what was the love doctor doing the night before he died?

try to “find.” the answer’s in front of your nose, the question is why you’re afraid of it.

niggers being niggers.