
Read Joseph Campbell to have your faith in manhood restored.

After all the cool sketches she has done making fun of guys wanting “a chick who can hang” I trust that this movie isn't what it seems.

Why do I like that movie so much?

From that you can start taking a path of optimism and hope

Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Kristen was terrific in Sils Maria. I mean, she still says stupid shit but she’s an excellent actress.

I have total disdain for her outfits.

Apparently you and I are the only ones.

*whispers from the corner*

I’m excited to watch this I love Paris and especially love the growth she has shown over the last 10 years.

On monday my mom died after many years of suffering from alzheimer’s. That night i felt a combination of sorrow and joy - so sad that she was gone but at the same time happy that her torture was over.

Don't go. If you're feeling charitable send a gift, perhaps a dustpan

It almost feels like we’re headed for the bad future that your eyepatch-wearing future self would come back to warn you about.

Seriously, that reading list just rendered him unfuckable.

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

There’s no “I” in threesome.

“Miss Jackson, if you’re namaste”

I think you nailed it in your other comment. He is a robot. Ciara is with a robot. A perfect, beautiful robot, but somehow, I wanted more for her. And more for myself too. If the best Ciara can get is a robot, then what hope do I have? I’ll end up with a robot if I’m lucky, but it will only be a rusted, crappy discard

Just what we need, women menstruating all over our nice battlefields.