
Don't even get me started. This is the same country that saw me and my mother as 'sub-human' (out of wedlock birth) and trafficked me for money to the US. The same country that gave us Magdalene Laundries, mother-baby homes and tens of thousands of children raped and brutalised in religious-run institutional care. The

I'm not posting this for you, bojangles5, but for those others reading. I'm sure you're quite familiar with the first story, and probably others similar to the second. Some people don't realize how pervasive and pernicious is the influence of the catholic cult and many other cults.

The family wanted to take her off life support. It's heartless that the government interfered with that. You claim to be pro choice, but it seems like every time there's an article about the subject of abortion, you're more sympathetic to the anti choice side.

Keeping someone on life support isn't like "keeping them alive". The brain has already died and there are extreme side effects to that.

No. Women aren't incubators. If you think we are, you're not really pro choice. It's up to the woman if she has a living will. If not, it's up to the next of kin. It's not up to the government or clergy to decide that a brain dead person be used as an incubator and over rule the family.

Women are people, not incubators. I'm really glad you don't make the laws.

That's the fundamental flaw in right-to-lifer philosophy. They don't think ahead or care about what happens after the baby is born. They'll fanatically take away a woman's (or in this case, a family's) right to choose, but they won't stick around to make sure the kid is properly cared for or to answer the tough


Even if the kid had been viable, surely being born from your dead mother would do a psychological number on you when you inevitably found out?

fuck all you cynical arseholes. It's fuckig Christmas, stop being sub douches.

Our tomcats would do that to the females ALL THE TIME. You need to spread the dishes out more to give everyone a chance.

Patrick Stewart and Janelle Monáe's auntie Ruth shop at the same spot, apparently!

He was using negative reinforcent against your try-hard witchcraft. It was obviously a favor. Mine helps with eliminating gauche lamps.

I feel like you have amassed an unimaginable amount of aweomse gif's and you just wait patiently for the opportunity to use them...also, I have taken the liberty of re-naming you: The Gifsian.

Have you ever tried to report a lost or missing package that UPS claims was delivered? It's like one of those movies where you slowly go mad.

Agreed. I've had close to 150 deliveries every day for the past month. The amount of pressure that drivers are under is crazy. While everyone was enjoying time with family and friends, we were out delivering last minute packages to people. Not saying that this wasn't an unfortunate event, but give delivery drivers a

Silly dog. Roombas are for cats.


Oh shit, did you just role out the guinea pigs?

Gifs of Fedex ruining things: