
I'm sorry, I could not resist temptation.

I'm still of the mind that religion (and probably all fiction) is allegorical in nature, and is more often than not a sort of poem about psychology and inner truth.

What I think is funny is the article was written by a Christian and this person is drudging up the 'war on Christians' because well, apparently everyone hates Christians, or some other nonsense Fox News fed them this morning.

Nah I think it's more that he's a shameless self-promoter with diarrhea of the mouth who talks about their personal life to the media against her will but who's to say really

That's only because, to you, the perspective of someone of faith must be unequivocally singing the praises of that faith's secular power structure.

I'm gay and I've had enough of the religious bullshit. Thanks, though. I feel horrible that I don't respect a bunch of con artists and pedophiles.


Or you could have actually read the article and the mentioning of many religions and their belief in the virgin birth. But I suppose reading is really hard. Especially when you have some fake War on Christmas nonsense to go on about listening to Fox News.

I fucking love librarians. Seriously. You all are right up there with teachers as underpaid heroes. No matter what a dick I was, my local librarians never gave me shit, nor stymied my love of reading.

So she didn't explain it in the exact way you wanted her to based on your religious beliefs and so you just know now that the rest of the article is wrong even though you can't find any other examples? God, I know some smart religious people, but you ain't one of them.


its 5pm somewhere already..... just 7 more hours for me to go!!!!!!!!!!

Oh boy, Adultosaur is already into the egg nog...


As a librarian, I can assure you that people still ask these weird things.

I feel really bad for that poor shark. That is my takeaway from this insightful and well researched post.

I love my cats, but I know they would not chase an ambulance to be with me. If I had a seizure, they would probably rifle through my papers, to see if I left them something in my will.

Dear Ms./Mrs/Mr/Whatever Prefix Suits Your Fancy/ Merlan,

It must be considered that by you. You're demanding stories from them.(even though they've done them.) You're mad that they don't concentrate on what you think is important. (as your comment history shows.)

See, that's when I usually realize I DON'T have any leftover wine. Or leftover vodka. And why can't I ever find llamas when I'm sober?