Dirty Daddy Dave

Am I the only who hears more Bryan Adams than Springsteen/Dylan?

They should build this border fence out of her emails since nobody can get over them.

Devin shouldn’t.

That person is often thrown from a window, if I recall correctly.

draft a chain-smoking career loser who spends his free time housing donuts by the dozen and hitting on his teammates’ wives

And instead of just skipping the article you immediately knew was not sports-related, you felt obligated to not only click on it but scroll down to the comments and post a response to it.

This is why I sleep with a parasitic wasp in each ear. Once that cockroach crawls in, he’s in for a BIG surprise.

yeah, it’s a murder car

Each time the phrase “Survey says!” was uttered, the Gronks kept mishearing it as “Cervezas!” and Yo Soy Fiesta took over.