I think you need to relax because chapter 11 can also entail dropping expenses (like maintaining a fleet) and trying to bring in additional revenue (like selling parts of that fleet).
I think you need to relax because chapter 11 can also entail dropping expenses (like maintaining a fleet) and trying to bring in additional revenue (like selling parts of that fleet).
Sure, Martha claims they’re playing cards and having a fine time. How about former employees? Can they all be accounted for? What’s in THE ATTIC, MARTHA?!
The one time I did that I lost track of what my face was doing while waiting in line to pick up a burrito.
This article was the kick in the butt that I needed to take much more extreme measures than I was taking. Thank you.
You’ve probably seen the meme already but just in case:
uh....so much week night drinking
Fudge covered Oreos and Cadbury creme eggs. Not fancy, but necessary for my sanity. I’m also stress baking - I have a theory sugar prevents viral infection.
Wild Planet, Genova, and Trader Joe’s are my top 3 picks, and the TJ tuna isn’t that much more expensive than Chicken of The Sea etc. Make sure to check the label for “packed in oil”!
Chicken of the Sea sounds pretty fancy
I work for a great company that gets it.
Claire: I speak to you as a mother and as a pickler: you are the child of my heart. Thank you for your dedication and innovation. I go to the farmer’s market in Ventura on Saturday and will search the stalls for appropriate produce.
Ginfused Pickles?
lol there it is. you are technically right, the pickling SOLUTION has that ABV of 22% but the point is alcoholic pickles!
I should not be questioning a genius anyway.
I used to make this melon every 4th of July!
Imagine your process in combination with this:
oh my dear god
Try this with pearl or cocktail onions and whole small button mushrooms with a good sized sprig of dill added. You’ll be amazed at the taste.