
Can I make a request? For future G/G deals of the day, can you point out what products you have in the pictures at the top? This is about the third time in two weeks that I had to wade through the laptops to figure out which on was being shown.

My other vote: It's just a bigger itouch/iphone. *yawn*

Michael McWhertor: First user to receive the banhammer on the ipad.

I wonder, if there was a flash, and then a man was standing on the stage screaming that the tablet is a trap and leads directly to the fall of mankind... would anyone listen to him?

I'm right there with comics on this thing... it's the main reason I want it!

@dirtybacon: But seriously, I'll have to pass this on to the g/f. She loves fresh flowers.

"beside your keys on your landing strip"?

@Legaldeath187: Right! What really gets me is that you can't rush through the parts you already played. I got very far on my second attempt... only to die when there I got rushed from someone hiding among the crows (really cool). So I restarted, thinking "Ok, now I know what to expect" only to get killed by a pikeman

Wait, which one is Sookie and which one is "the situation"?

I demanded it? I did no such thing!!

I tend to lay out what I really need to work on in front of me before I head out... it does indeed help focus.

I only have Demon's souls, and JUST bought that and have yet to beat the first level. I don't know if I am appreciating the difficulty level, or just accepting it since I heard so much about it before I got the game. I don't know that I have played it enough to select it over two games I haven't. Looking back on the

I got those triplefi earbuds when they were $99... They are AMAZING. worth $200 if you're looking for a REALLY good pair of buds.

Seeing how I use Steam almost exclusively for my downloading, I doubt this will be any help to me at all.

"If you have a Google Voice Account, you can even mashup Skype (or Gizmo5) with Google Voice to place and receive free calls back home and or receive incoming phone calls on a local cell phone wherever you are."

Ok, In honor of the mark, how about a good deal on the PC version? please?

I tried to get a discussion started before, let's try again:

weird... my comments aren't in 3D, but when I stare at the words and let my eyes go out of focus I see a 3D image...of boobies!!

I want to purchase some of these... they are awesome!