
While I know this is a gaming site... I really can't wait to read comics on this thing!

Side boobs are nice, but cheese that, they mention Backless chaps!

@mekki: have there been 20 fantasy movies over the last decade? Not being snarky, I really want to know.

Why couldn't you include sunshine? Because you included 28 days later? That makes no sense at all.

What I play will depend on time. If I get some serious gaming time, i need to play some Dragon Age. otherwise: L4D2, Plants vs. Zombies (just need to finish mini games), Borderlands...

@lionkitten: and yet, IGN gave it a good rating... zing!

@Franky_AAA: My guess? They will ignore it and keep on raking in the dough.

"Note, with this purchase comes a visit from me, in which I will beat you with a sock filled with aged batteries."

Keeping an eye on the speakout page for original content is an excellent idea! I love how the system tends to cull the inadequate/inappropriate entrries from the valuable discussions, and I'd love to see some of the excellent comment posts I've read in the past be featured for others to read who may have missed them.

@Tyr4nt: Wow, thanks for the info, that's a lot to chew on! I am trying the headset out, so we'll see how it goes. Wish I read your rundown before... Thanks again!

Any info on how noticeable the resource use was in your tests? I'm looking to upgrade, but killing resources is a concern.

how is a 9PM PST game sold out already?

God, the list is huge:

I think Valve should make importing the older levels/characters into L4D2 DLC... for people that don't own the original. The rest (most?) of us will get it for free if we have L4D1.

@-MasterDex-: Thanks! I was actually looking for something that supported FLAC...

@General Gumball: so the girl taunts you whilst the slapping ensues? That seems wrong. (Though the whole violence thing is wrong, of course)

@-MasterDex-: how do you like that Creative X-Fi? I'm thinking of upgrading - have an older zen - and looking at that or the Zune HD (don't laugh, a friend has one, and it is a solid device). I have been a creative fan forever (have bought at least 6 different creative mp3 players) but I feel like their ingenuity has

@Yentz: thanks, I hadn't seen that. Any link to the article?