
TODAY ONLY: you can download WarChild presents Heroes from amazon mp3 store for 3.99.

I agree totally with Seth. He's just a completely cheap character.

I'm going to be facing this very soon, as my lease is almost up. I really REALLY don't want to move, am too scared about my future to purchase a house, but don't want to pay more then I am paying. There has been better deals in the area recently... I guess I need to find out from my landlord if they plan on hiking the

@Mister Jack: I wonder if it will be like Zombie Panic, where one person slowly infects the survivors...

I could easily get to this store to check it out...

I'll have to check this out this weekend.

Man, being part of the press for this event, Sony was really pimping out this surprise too... poor guys!

I'll be there!! woo!!

I hope it's good, I have fond memories of the game. Though I think it would be awesome if there was a turn-based mode!

@thecleverfoo1: Is this only at certain Targets? I don't see it in the ad for my area...

Yeah, I hit the gym for the first 6 months hard last year, and felt great and fit into a slightly smaller waist size... then I moved and went through life changes, and the gym fell to the wayside... with MAYBE 3 visits a month... and I am just now starting to pack on the pounds.

@Ueziel: wow, I never knew that. interesting.

I want to know how he made that!

Wait, the Pokemon company and Nintendo are different entities? I always thought Pokemon was wholly nintendo.

@Twik63: Only gay men play jrgs? Man, my girlfriend is gonna be SUPER pissed.

@Daniel Hinkles: EA not charge admittance? I think that's unlikely.

@dirtybacon: Nevermind, followed a link, am now clued in.