
"This is a mouse for the type of person who plays this one game the majority of the time"

@Menolly: get back on that wagon, girl! Join the party!

I think I might have to try some of these! anyone know what are US equivalents of Bols?

This promotion alone makes me want to play this game.

*practices counting startroopers*

@jkremer3: The RIAA disagrees... they say, feel the power of the all-new Limewire. We promise not to peek! (but we TOTALLY have our fingers crossed behind ur back! hoo hoo teehee)

"has one more then 100 awards?" so 101 awards?

A long time ago, I edited the next township over from my elementary school township to include a well-worded put-down. Then I emailed everyone I knew from that township (we have had a lifelong grudge) and showed them what someone wrote on wikipedia. It existed untouched for months, and gave me a giggle everytime I

I just canceled my sub, too. I almost want to re-up, but seriously, I have no time for this. It's been over 2 agonizing years, and I still don't have a lvl 50 toon.

@Nok-Su-Kow: Not directly game related, but essential none the less.

I am so excited about this. I wonder if they'll screw with region coding the title so us Americans can't get our hands on it? If we can use it, I am sold.

@ttocs: Look at your achievements IN GAME, and there is a counter. I only have 50,000 to go!

Hmmm... after the jettisoned Wizkids, I would think this is a pretty bad business decision.

@Nahirk: Well, Have you ever tried out both controllers? That was another big plus for me. I'm not saying the Xbox controllers are horrible, I just feel more comfortable with a PS controller in hand. Probably just what I am familiar with.

@Akua: I'm just trying to figure out how to pronounce it.

@Nahirk: Wow, you are inviting bunch of fanboy ninja attacks with a question like that.