
If I’m being honest, as an older “Millennial”, I had assumed/hoped that most of the world stopped getting their news from the television. What I took from this article is not that Republicans/Democrats are right/wrong but that the different generations are getting their information from different sources due to a lack

Why even review something when your entire teenage-esque clique of “Editors” all have your faces buried in the next ones’ ass so deep you don’t have time to formulate your own opinions? Do you even realize how obvious it is that you all must have the same boss who hates this device and are trying to climb right

Even if it is a lie, it doesn’t seem like something that would out of the realm of possibility. Especially with the constant light shedding on law enforcement utilization of similar surveillance methods. Credibility aside, even if a homeless man dressed like a clown mumbling about the end of the world gave me this

Soooo evidently you don’t have to be that qualified in journalism to become a journalist. You just need to have a lot of unintelligible biases and the desperate need to throw them in other’s faces.

Everyone realizes these are toys right? How did this thread become about getting a carry license? Why do such stupid things happen when humans combine individual thought into conversations? In the infamous words of Agent Kay of the MIB: “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.”.

Like someone stated prior, 4k tv’s are not really 4k but effectively 3840 x 2160 or UHD, another market term you might be familiar with.