
Whenever I read about the Dutch Reach I fell inclined to tell people about my own technique, which I’ve dubbed the “Portuguese Look At The Fucking Mirror Before Opening Your Fucking Door”. It’s great and can be used in tandem with the Dutch Reach.

Educating people on something like this is going to be a hard sell.


When people don’t watch what’s going on around them while hurtling down the road at 60mph, it doesn’t seem likely that they’ll do it while parked.

I really wish they had named this the Dutch Reacharound.

Could you build it for $17K? Not likely. Would I rather have a Boxster? Highly likely. And that's the CP here,$17K buys any number of very nice drop top toys and this is totally a toy here. 

It's a good thing car dealers are such trusted establishments of local economies.

And before anyone says use the link to file with the FCC, I did. Sorry should have put that in the original post.

As far as I know, they wadded that complaint up and smoked it.

I have had several Chevrolet dealerships do this to me.... they call my Cell which is from out of state where I went to High School (had the number since back then) and I get calls from local dealerships pretending to be from my hometown.

I slammed every single dealer that has done it on Google Reviews and anywhere

If there’s no driver, who are they going to plant a dime bag on to justify the illegal search? Heavy problems, indeed.

The fuck, dude? The HOV lane is not a fast lane. The Hyundai did literally nothing wrong. The driver of the Focus just decided to be a flaming asshole.

Ummm no. They were driving in an HOV lane. It’s not a passing lane. The sedan was driving slightly faster than the car to their right in the passing lane, which is totally fine. They could have eventually moved over for the Focus but the Focus gave them hardly any time to do so and instead passed them.

It is impossible to feel inferior to a city that gave us both the Leafs and the Ford family.

The driver had some issues with their life, but like the a-hole who chucked a 5 year old off a 40 foot drop, there doesn’t need to be anything the victim did.

Not necessarily. Some people get really mad when they get stuck behind a car in a single lane expressway like this. I’ve definitely seen cars that just lost it because they felt the car in front wasn’t going fast enough.

Does Canada even have jails or do they just accept a heartfelt apology?

That wasn’t a swerve, that was a deliberate brake check. This guy should lose his license and go to jail.

According to sources :

Scenario 2b, and it’s insured for more than it’s worth. Eg, it has significant corrosion or drivetrain damage, a buyer would not want it. But insurance pays out based on prices of other examples.

This dude is a mastermind in the sense that a hammer is a ingenious tool