
What’s Willow?

I’ve worked in banking for over 20 years. Very few banks have actual guards nowadays, as it’s better to just follow the robbers instructions and get them out of the door than it is to have a gun battle over money that is insured. If it’s a high crime area, even more so. They just put up bullet resistant barriers. 


Fat chance. We can’t even get beyond Thunderdome.

In catching up on episodes and reading through the reviews, I gotta say ol’ Willie Hughes and I must be watching different Archers. I thought Robot Factory was hilarious and great, while this ep was pretty weak. Pretty light on the jokes, the will-they-won’t-they-ad-naseum between Archer and Lana that broke no new

For my 10 year high school reunion, it was held on the day after thanksgiving at a bar, that had karaoke set up for attendees. I had another dinner party I was attending, so I showed up late. When I came in, my old friend (note, we had done karaoke a few times in college but I hadn’t seen him in 5+ years) was in the

When capitalism crushes you so much you turn to capitalism to escape it - that’s peak capitalism.

I like the implication that we’d be scandalized if Obama really were bisexual. Ok...let’s assume you’re not full of shit (you’re definitely full of shit) and that a dude had sex with Obama. We’re not the ones who have a problem with what other grownass adults do with their genitals! That’s you all’s hang up!

You know, and excuse me if I’m the first person to notice this, but I’m starting to think that President Trump might be a crazy old man.

Exploited the willfully ignorant into... displaying their horrific prejudice. Revealing who you really are isn’t the the exploitation he’s talking about.

Is he the one who plays Bullitt and Thomas Crown ?

Well, flies are attracted to big piles of shit.

I thought that only existed in a Chapelle Show sketch where there was blind, black klan member who believed to strongly in that cause that nobody had the heart to tell him he was black.

And they managed to advance each one of these ideologies in this 7 minute video! Physically attacked a member of a student press organization, attacked a female journalist because she was a female and also, they concluded, an “Arab,” physically assaulted another female observing the rally. Yep, they checked all of the

I asked... but I honestly can’t remember exactly what they said. Something about not choosing a side between Rep and Dems and they exist to keep the government in check when it abuses it’s power. They did use the “there’s black people in our movement so we aren’t racist” excuse too. Lull.

He’s never Chalamet a role he could say “no” to.

It feels like I wasted opportunity that this movie is being put out at Christmas rather than Hanksgiving. 

It’s hard to watch any genre show when you know the subject. For instance, when the AI killed the guy in the hospital, there were about a dozen things wrong with that scene.

Ah, well that’s fine, it’s a perfectly cromulent word.