
“Has anyone ever written a sequel to another artist’s song?” Coheed’s Claudio Sanchez says in a press release. “I don’t think so. As a fan of movies, it just seemed like a really interesting idea.”

I mean, I think we can totally complain about his sadistic and horrible behavior but we need to build two separate categories: People who are criminals and need to be punished and people who do shitty things and we should distance ourselves from them.

Jared Leto has entered the chat

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Sun to earth: “Stop hucking your garbage at me!”

Only Dave Matthews.

Sam, I’m beginning to doubt your commitment to SparkleMotion.

For the full experience, while watching it have someone dump cold water on you and hit you with a rake.

Actually there is very little peer reviewed evidence of reinfection, with most studies showing a decline in antibodies after 2-3 months. It’s certainly possible but I think the media has overblown it with most reports of reinfection later found to be false positives as in Korea. 

I think it absolutely needs to be extended to unemployed people as well. They can least afford the transportation costs/would be most obviously incentivized to pick up the extra money (a small incentive in most places, but still better than nothing).

In theory you should be safe, but there are so many factors at play that it’s really hard to tell.

I’ve been going to the movies since the age of six and the theatrical experience has been one of the most basic, joyful things in my life. I had the great fortune of going to college during the height of the film guild era and, for years, went to the movies two to three, sometimes four, nights a week. I love the

And then Ellen will be forced to endure a workplace where her subordinates are allowed to meet her gaze and say “hello.” to her.  It will be true horror!

TLDR cry more you fucking nerd.

I have this ongoing debate with folks about the level of complicity for people who claim to disagree with Trump, or at least not agree with all of his policies, but still vote for him. In my book you’re just as bad. At this point the dude’s making the destruction of the USPS one of the core pillars of his policy

When people say they don’t vote “because one vote doesn’t matter”, it drives me up the freakin’ wall. A senate race in Hawaii was once won by something like seven votes.

I guess you should ask PreparationHeche.

This criticism seems misplaced to me. Neither the Mr. Warburton interview nor the AV Club post have taken the angle of “Check out what wild and crazy things Anne Heche is up to now!”

We all lie in the bed we make, but sometimes that bed is a road. And so instead we end up walking where we sleep. But if we don’t like where we are going, its time to have a different dream. For Ellen, its time for her to wake up, into a new dream, where she can lie down, and walk her own path.

It is absolutely a flaw of jury duty that you only get paid for jury duty if you’re in a certain situation that is generally economically advantageous already. Jury duty does not need to make that worse.