
In principle I don’t mind the idea of posting comments being behind a paywall, especially if a site/community built up that way from the get-go, but to suddenly apply a paywall to the AV Club’s comments would permanently kill it. I don’t mind paying to support a site I use a lot (assuming it means I see no ads), but

This sounds supremely weird and interesting. I’ll check it out next time our A+ sub is up. (Which, let’s be honest, won’t be until Foundation S3 comes out)

What throws me for a loop is that they’re mad at him for snitching, but not for smuggling cocaine.

Really? It’s not difficult.

Well, if that isn’t irrefutable proof, I don’t know what is.

Oh, for sure, from the point of view of social policy, I get that. I just don’t think ANOF’s position was “jailhouse snitching is bad social policy and Tim Allen should have known the full sociopolitical ramifications of it in 1978.”

I’m on board with disliking him for his politics and misogyny, in fact those are the reasons I dislike him. I’m just a little baffled by the whole “snitches get stitches” attitude here. Like, I fully understand the systemic problems with law enforcement in our country, so maybe that’s where you’re coming from? Fuck

I’m no big fan of Allen’s, but I’m confused as to what you’re criticizing here. We should dislike him because *checks notes* he got caught smuggling drugs and cooperated with law enforcement 45 years ago?

Oh, that’s an interesting one. Maybe not the same energy exactly, but how about Austin Butler? Elvis and Feyd-Rautha show he’s got range.

/rolls eyes

You’d really have to nail casting Gully Foyle but man, that’d be a hell of a role.


Not as popular but I’d stump for almost anything by Greg Egan. Permutation City, Quarantine, or (my favorite novel of all time) Diaspora.

How’s the weather out there on Contrarian Island?

The secret is that the knighthood stuff is all just made-up LARPing. You can start your own club (with blackjack and hookers) that issues knighthoods!

Maybe like a beloved family pet who, in recent years, has been shitting on the rug way too often.

I was seriously having some psychological stress from the concept of the AV Club comments sections not being a thing any more. It’s like having a family member die, but one of the weird ones you only kind of like.

Yeah, and especially given that their names are 1) at the bottom and 2) right next to each other, it’s 100% a Mad Men cameo joke. Which, for the record, I am totally fine with

Club Lies Bleeding

Doomed, Part Two