
Prediction: Maverick dies.

Lana. Lana.

Or “Grimey,” as he likes to be called.

Let’s call it NI: “Non-Intelligence”

I only watched Voyager sporadically in the early seasons when it originally aired, then gave up on because I thought it sucked (but was also watching less TV because college). When my kid told me about that episode, I thought maybe it might be time to reconsider watching Voyager, but this time while high.

*Clarences Thomas

Being tortured to death with a spatula would be better than The Rise of Skywalker.

Hell, I remember when TNG came out and I was dismissive of it at first because it wasn’t about Kirk/Spock/etc. And I was nine years old. Then I started watching it anyway and was immediately hooked (and it’s still my favorite Trek).

Star Trek is presented as adventures, but I don’t think it’s what Trek is about. To me, Trek is about ethical quandaries, treating violence as the solution of last resort, and exploration of (and acceptance of) new and weird things.

🤔 Hm, I suppose you’re right; if Trek on TV (its native habitat) has been lacking for a while, then a movie could possibly be a catalyst for reinvigorating interest in it.

Potentially unpopular opinion: There should not be Star Trek movies. As much fondness as I have for a few of the ST films (2, 4, 6...), the essence of Trek is about things that cinema isn’t really the right medium for.

Welcome... to Joint Pain Park.

This movie might lead to CCD (cinema collapse disorder)!

It has a nice satisfying ending, I thought. You could do more with the premise, I’m sure, but it didn’t need more. Honestly it’s a weird enough show that it had a pretty high chance of a third season having severely diminishing returns.

So-called “valid criticism” used to support, for example, that a female director shouldn’t celebrate women shaping Star Wars isn’t fine.

I feel the same way: There can’t possibly be any valid criticisms of Star Wars!

Based on what?

Too bad about the subsequent seasons.

Ahh, a classic. Forgot about the kind of racist bit at the end though.