I mean, as much as I love The Americans (favorite TV show of all time, Serious Drama division), M&MS isn’t even the same genre.
I mean, as much as I love The Americans (favorite TV show of all time, Serious Drama division), M&MS isn’t even the same genre.
More like edgeviscount, amirite?
Then abandon all hope, I guess?
I’d like to cancel my subscription.
Most of them seem like soulless cash-ins
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Apparently she was cancelled so thoroughly by the events of 2016 that I never even heard about the cancellation, despite constantly seeing news about Swift everywhere all the time whether I wanted to or not.
Ah, but what if their complaints about Obama are auto-tuned?
I’d pay to prevent that.
Make it a Hamilton parody. Other options:
Ooh, another option is to just have him played by a different actor in every scene. Who is George Santos, really? He could be any of us!
Also acceptable.
I was confident George would fold against the union; there’s no way Fellowes of all people is going to treat George like he’s more or less a good guy for a season and a half and then have him brutally shoot a bunch of his own employees. Which is all part of Fellowes’s “oh, the rich assholes in charge might be…
No, money down!
Did someone say Space Irish?
I would pay good money—all the good money—to see a Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover movie.
And there’s only one possible casting option:
Yikes! One of my favorite actors, ever since he popped up as ninja space lawyer on BSG, and I’m glad to hear he’s doing better. His dad (actor W. Morgan Sheppard) lived to be 86, so here’s hoping Mark gets at least that long.