
Sounds like I made the correct choice in not watching this.

I need to go...

Married to Destiny: The Synechdoche, New York Story

Has Lifetime ever made a movie where the protagonist is a woman who’s an executive at Lifetime, whose job it is to come up with movie plots for Lifetime, and she comes up with the plot of the movie she’s in, leading to an ouroboros of madness? Because they should.

On the one hand, “radical self-reliance”

Mid-season check-in: Does this show achieve basic narrative competence, or will I be facepalming at the end of every scene?

Man, now there’s a bucket list item.

I’m not sure what your point is. Anyone who’s ever worked with Amazon is a hypocrite if they support the strike(s) now? The deal with Amazon to make I’m a Virgo was signed in 2020, three years before the strikes. Thousands of other people who are now on strike have also worked with Amazon (and all the other members of

Is his last name Robinson?

Oh, I thought it was another schlocky cheapo action movie, like Sharknado, except about a megalodon. Wait, that’s The Meg.

We saw Blue Beetle yesterday. It was aggressively mediocre, but I think if you’ve never seen a superhero movie then it would probably be pretty entertaining. I suppose Latin audiences deserve mediocre superhero movies too.

Hate the playa, not the g(r)am(m)e(r)

And James van der Beek can play Diplo again! But halfway through the movie, Brad Pitt shows up and shoves Beek off screen and plays Diplo for the rest of it.

How I Cancelled Your Spinoff

Good to hear. Can you recommend a couple of solid (layperson-oriented) books on pirates I should check out?


Have you read Pirates of Barbary by Adrian Tinniswood? I’m no expert by any means, and that’s the only book on piracy I’ve actually read all the way through, but I found it fascinating. Wondering if you’ve read it and if it’s accurate. I’m mostly interested in structural history, in the sense of how did societies and

I recall seeing some explanation somewhere, but it was still vague. Basically he didn’t show up to finish filming after the COVID shutdown, so they hastily wrote him out of the last couple of episodes and then recast him for season 2.

Well, there were the Greens, who routinely would sleep with some or all of their Warders, and I don’t recall RJ particularly casting aspersions on that; although I suppose other characters sort of thought of the Greens as weird for doing it, but nobody would have ever tried to, like, stop them.

So you’re saying if we invent a self-buying yacht, we no longer need billionaire CEOs?