
That doesn’t sound quite right; actors put credits for unaired pilots on their resumes all the time. An entire show they (actors, crew) actually filmed, and then that got preemptively shelved, is something they can still say they worked on, and I feel like people in the industry will take that kind of thing into

That’ll be where I check out. Watching all the shows I want with no ads has been wonderful for the past decade, and it’s less expensive than a cable subscription. At that point... *rummages in closet, produces dusty old pirate hat* Well, there’ll be other avenues, matey.

I 100% support giant corporations getting their asses handed to them by righteous hackers. (Alas, here in the real world, powerful hacking groups are all either state actors or profit-seeking criminal gangs.)

Welcome to the Pyrite Age of Televsion!

I get it, I just... come on already.

Stinkin’ Welshie!


Reenact the whole thing with Micro Machines.

Actors were pretty much always contracted for sequels in those days, whether the thing panned out or not. This was the tail end of the studio system era, after all. The producers hoping for the long haul is not the same thing as there being a general expectation that it was going to happen.

Yeah, as did most of the class. This was at an intro film class at UCLA in 1996, and after watching Kane, we were all like, “Okay, and?” The professor then detailed its many innovations and techniques, explaining how it had been groundbreaking at the time of release, and then we kind of got it, but because we had

“Hope to” and “expect to” mean quite different things. Obviously producers hope the movies they make will be huge hits. They don’t usually expect that to be the case.


I second Shiva Baby. It’s a wonderful little bite of a movie (and short, too).

I watched Dr. No for the first time a few years ago, having already seen almost every other Bond movie (there’s a couple early ones I haven’t gotten around to). It struck me the same way Citizen Kane did when I first saw it: “I don’t get what the big deal is.” Sure, Connery’s clearly a movie star with a great

It has the responsibility of introducing the character James Bond and Sean Connery in the role and kickstarting what’s now a six-plus-decade film franchise—the longest running in history.”

I once asked Dawkins how the word was properly pronounced, and he said “Get out of my house.”

I assure you, it is not.

I really appreciate the “single dramatic piano key plink” being diegetic.

If it doesn’t make sense, flip a coin to determine if it was because of Lynch or because it’s Dune.

*squints in confusion, sighs, moves on to next article*