
I doubt there’s a solution that would serve everyone well. That said, the bar is pretty low at the moment in terms of the things they could do to improve the representation of actors who are other than fully able.


I said “decent,” not “legendary!”

Ah right, I misunderstood the headline. I assumed it was about it having opened this same weekend, not that they were already predicting a week in advance that it would end up third.

Wow, I somehow didn’t even realize this was opening the same weekend as Barbenheimer. I had no interest in it, so I wasn’t paying attention to when it opened, but... yeesh.

Star Use of Force Authorization

11 years? She’s 41, he’s 61. That’s 20.

I sure hope someone got fired for rolled their eyes after being confronted with that blunder.


Every time someone references “Big X” (where X is an industry like Big Auto or Big Oil or whatever), instead of envisioning the industry as a collective group, I just think of an individual, but really large, instance of that thing. So to me, Big Peanut is a 40-foot-tall peanut, rampaging through the city destroying

“As are we.”

*Ninjas Turtle

Matt, if you keep this up, we might be forced to admit that the A.V. Club still has one decent snarker.

This is a thing that’s important to remember: In all but a vanishingly small handful of cases, wealth trumps (hee) political ideology. You can be a flaming liberal or a fascist conservative, but once you’re rich, all you care about is staying rich or getting more rich; your ideology becomes a sideshow at best.

I know I’m so late no one will ever see this, but I keep seeing things like “they could have hired an artist instead” and I’m like, why are you assuming no artists were involved in this? Why are you assuming that this was trained on other people’s work and not on a corpus they had human artists create as training

What if the field I’m an expert in is having a gun pointed at my head? I’ll be cool as a cucumber.

I focus exclusively on funny/cute animal videos, optical illusions, and things exploding.

Autotuned silence!

Well, it’s somewhere between $1,000,000 and $9,999,999, which narrows it down from infinity.