How come you never make me fresh bao?
How come you never make me fresh bao?
I’m starting to think this Cosby guy might have done something wrong.
As great as Raiders is, it’s important to remember that Indy basically fails at everything in the movie.
I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but in that picture Muschietti looks like the third, douchebag Gunn brother.
I’ll always remember him as the villain in The Phantom, especially the part where he yells that his name (Xander Drax) should be easy to remember because it both starts and ends with ‘x’.
Good point; the legality of it didn’t even occur to me. “It would be illegal for Disney to do this” is a pretty good rejoinder to “Why don’t they do this?”
I hear he’s been functioning as the leg of a mythical woodland creature in Colorado.
I can think of one particular reason Disney et. al. wouldn’t do this, and that’s plausible deniability if it does come out. Say that they do a check, and they find a few reports from people who say the person did one bad thing or another, but they can’t really verify them (although they also aren’t easily proven…
*H & R run sobbing out of the room*
If you’d said “should” I’d be on board, but “would” is obvious: Because society provides immense pressure to do so.
Or do what some awards do, which is set a threshold and then award it to everyone who clears it, instead of making it a competition with only one winner [per category].
I’m trying to remember the last time I even saw that a movie was playing in 3D at the theaters near where I live. This article feels like it was from about 7 years ago.
*Jimmy Page has entered the chat*
People were quick to compare this to an interview that Kid Rock gave in 2022, when he told Tucker Carlson about an incident in which Trump and he were “looking at maps and shit,” causing the musician to ask himself “Am I supposed to be in on this shit?” Suggesting Trump asked him, “‘What do you think we should do…
I think you mean “hyperbully.” Which sounds like something from Futurama.
Springtime for Spanfeller
I haven’t watched it, but a friend did, and she said it’s exactly as dumb as the reviews made it sound. James Bond for Dummies, to put it succinctly.
“box-office poison”
I’d love to watch it, but we’re not resubbing to Netflix until the writer’s strike is over. We picked on Netflix in particular because they made so much noise about how they had stocked up on content and were making foreign deals. Fuck ‘em; I can wait to watch Cavill be growly.