
Instead of letting celebrities lap the track for the fastest time, they should let chris loose on foot and let the celebrity chase him down and hit him. Fastest time wins.

Pictured: A British producer wearing the required safety equipment.

Maybe the BBC should hire Jeremy Clarkson to punch Chris Evans in the face. They can make it a Christmas special and give it as a gift to everyone that thinks Chris Evans is a giant douche.

I’ll repeat what I said recently... fire that ginger haired twat and put LeBlanc in charge.

What the SHIT

So is it safe to say you are Jalopnik’s resident desert racer?

Holy shit

Umm cookie monster is in pretty good shape, I think a lot of folks would benefit from whatever diet/exercise regimen he is on.

Here are a 10 tips I learned from “Uncle Larry” - the retired Ford mechanic of 35 years who lived next door to my dad.

While working underhood, any socket or wrench you drop will fall through to the ground and magically find its way to the exact geometric center of the car, forcing you to crawl halfway under it for retrieval.

Yep, they have documented them eating sheep as well. Cows aren’t the innocent bovines they project. WE must eat them all before they eat us.

Holy crap, did that cow just eat a chick? I’ve never seen that before.


CG. Tony Stark will be played by a tennis ball on a stick with a smiley face drawn on.

The makers of Axanar are paying themselves salaries from their crowdfunded movie and wanted to use the money to set up a future, for-profit studio for the creators, and they were doing it on the back of fans of an established, copyrighted franchise which CBS, who own the TV rights (and Paramount, who own the movie

"I predict a future highway full of docile, sheep-like automated cars, and a few manually-driven cars here and there ruthlessly taking advantage of them."

Personally I'm looking forward to the adaptive cruise control becoming extremely widespread. If you cut in front of someone at just the right distance, the car will automatically panic-brake and possibly smack the driver's face on the steering wheel. Or, if you want to merge and the stupid robot car won't let you in,

Or you could drive along in your old-school non-autonomous car affixed with a HD projector mounted on the trunk and project random images (wall, cones, people, rolling hills) on a fog created by your horrendous non-electric motor.

This has got to be my favorite article in a while.

Simply genius.

You know what?

Heard it onto a racetrack. GO.

Th car will possibly accelerate due to sensors detecting imminent rear-ending. Brilliant!