
It’s likely that the entire game is designed to update per frame rendered, and likely not an easy task to remedy. Usually, when this situation arises every physics instance, every hitbox interaction, health regen and much more has to be hand reprogrammed to rely on a timer instead, which is not an easy thing to do.

Honestly, I feel as bad for you as I do for her.

+1 point to you, sir. 

I keep a very short beard and honestly I think this is part of it. I never had the best skin so it helps to conceal some of that, plus add some masculinity. I’m sure I’m not alone.

The funny part here is your comment was far more opinionated, hateful, and dredged in misunderstanding than the original comment. At least as I’m seeing it.

O.K. You lost me here. How is accepting women for who they really are a problem?

It’s an online game. You can’t be allowed to just sleep it whenever you want. It would wreak havoc on the network/networking. Not to mention, people would abuse it to end battles they can’t win and such. 

Actually, this is a port of the original. It’s not the same as the remastered versions on other consoles. It lacks texture work, per object motion blur, particle affects, sunshafts, the new lighting model, etc.

I’m not sure I agree. I don’t see any reason/evidence that it was staged. 

I’d say it’s more risk/possible reward. But very much yes. 

But at least something explains the lack of fall damage in Batman, it’s the cape. There’s even the softened landing animation.

I can’t agree more. That’s part of why I liked the Prince of Persia games. Climbing was risky but necessary. One wrong move and you’re dead (short of rewinding time). The AC games are just making everything too easy. Climbing was already on auto-pilot, and now falling is basically meaning also. Nothing seems to mean

I didn’t see anything that would suggest it would allow you to play Sony exclusives. Did I miss something? 

Why is everyone supporting this so well, but everyone is shunning the same services that Sony, Nintendo, etc are trying?

How are people using it? 

Even if climate change is 100% natural and on track, it’s still worth noting that it will kill us all. So maybe do something about it?

This is why I’m a cat person.

I always dominated at Gears of War 4 on PC and I used a controller. It can be done.

You will still be matched based on skill, so if a KBM is getting more kills, etc, they’ll be put with better controller users. It will balance out.

So, is this a prequel or a reboot?