
It’s a post about new seasons, not a review. Past experience isn’t necessary here.

Need help with something in particular?

One company provides the joystick internals for all three companies, so I’ve been told. 

I mean, they already had a flaccid attempt at that around the election time. I’m just glad they’re  all gutless and incompetent. 

I couldn’t believe I woke up to trump thumpers and the orange turd himself praising this (as Russia threatens the U.S. along with it) but here we are. The scum can indeed rot. 

They can be combined but the aftereffects might be pretty rough.

Shame it’s on Apple -

This guy came packing. 

This game’s map looks like Sim City 2000 auto generated it and set the graphics to low.

You really think that these people are making their decisions based on data? That’s, hilarious. 

Nah, we had these zombies in the first game. The vaccine showed up later. This are OG zombies. 

Why does this need to be on Kickstarter though? No, we’ve already funded your business into a full on publishing roll.
I think you’re good guys. :/ 

That’s all well and good until the person shows up to work without a mask and spreads it anyway, which they will. 30 percent load also doesn’t mean you won’t feel like hot garbage and actually get worse afterwards, as you stress your body with work. 

I like that the header image is of a lady taking a covid test, without a mask.

#Old Hampshire

I’m sure everyone with Covid right cares, and I’m sure they care a lot. There are also those who care about the wellness of others and follow this quite closely. Imagine that if you can. 

They only revised their estimates by 14%. It’s not like someone can predict to the exact number who is going to get sick and from what variant. The population is too large and the people are acting too irrationally for any of that to work. Scientific estimates change as the data comes in. This is expected, by design,

What else are people going to do to ride out the apocalypse?

A star for  speaking the hard truth (maybe not that hard)

Fire  the K bag and divide his golden parachute funds up between all of the workers as compensation.