Single Track

I’m not sure whats worse, the boob job, or the plastic surgery on the face.
Glad I didn’t win today.

Covfefe Motors

In early 2009, I made some automotive purchases that, in hindsight, were a very bad idea.

(...and yet the block of resin is still more aerodynamic than the G-Wagen).

I feel the opposite, actually. In a car that looks like it SHOULD have normal controls, I feel weirdly paranoid that it simply does not. I’d rather be in a new and unique environment if I am going to trust AI to keep me alive.

It feels like depressingly half assed thinking...

I am finding it admirably lazy that they seem to have just taken the prototypical GM interior and folded the page over.


“He said, ‘Well, I intentionally cut you off to see what it’d do.”

People don’t trade these cars in. They tell a friend or two that they’re thinking about selling their Honda/Toyota, and the next thing you know, people are lined up around the block with cash in hand to pay far more than you would ever get from a dealer.

conversely: “which are the longest lasting cars” people don’t keep cars for 15+ years unless they’re extremely good cars.

It’s funny how all the fun cars from Toyota aren’t made by Toyota.

Your screen name is applicable.

Too bad they suck in anything other than lots of snow. Dry cold or mild temp winter climates these tires are squishy and ride horribly. They are not for anything besides snow packed and heavy snow areas in winter.

Is Zach Efron driving an Alero in that picture?

The Tesla Model 3 feels made for these people. It doesn’t assume you know anything about cars. Or that you care. This vehicle just wants to provide the most seamless possible transition from one place to the next.

What happens to all those sensors that enable autonomy with a nice coating of slush? Are we headed for a point where folks aren’t driving much, because the cars are doing it for them, but sometimes, under terrible conditions, we make folks take the wheel again?

I was driving my BMW Wagon this weekend at minus 17 F. You close the sunroof shade because of how cold the glass is.