I thought it would be a perpetual motion machine whereby the trailer wheels would generate electricity to recharge the car and solar panels on the roof would recharge the trailer batteries.
I thought it would be a perpetual motion machine whereby the trailer wheels would generate electricity to recharge the car and solar panels on the roof would recharge the trailer batteries.
“Now that we’re moving to electric drivetrains and autonomous driving, the snub-nose vans definitely need to make a comeback. Minivans like the Aerostar and Ram...” And while we’re at it, lets make some snub nosed mid-size pickups with 6'-7' beds!
Agreed, I generally choose the square back Wagon/SUV, but I really like the Audi Q8 over the Q7.
And it proves that people like Wagons and Hatchbacks.
Especially that note about “...a Double Cab, starts at $27,230. That undercuts the Frontier King Cab by $250". Not even worth mentioning. Price distinctions within the same segment have to be in thousands, not hundreds of $$.
I’m with you there. A Prime Taco would be a sales winner, as long as Toyota maintains the legendary durability. I expect that testing is going on now.
Ya, but that green is likely only available in the top trim level for $50K+
From what I understand only the 2022 has the DSG. All earlier models have a conventional Auto trans. But its not aftermarket motor tuning parts I’m talking about, more like common replacements like brakes, batteries and even stuff like roof/hitch racks will be limited choice or require lots of work to cross reference…
So you spent about two grand on shoe shines in 2019? What did you do with that money last year?
Don’t forget about all the typewriter repairmen!
“What the Arteon really makes redundant for me are the lower end Audi sedans, I can’t see buying a base A4 or A6 over this.”
Can’t w just go after the low hanging, fuel-wasting fruit?
Take the bus tour then.
I expect autopilot only works when you have a pre-programmed destination set. Or is there an “I’m Feeling Lucky” button?
Amazing how many ‘smart’ people have no foresight.
From the lack of detail, I’m guessing you didn’t get married with matching Ferrari’s as a wedding gift...
Any wonder why there are so many entitled rich assholes out there? They apparently keep breeding.
But Wagen is in the company name.
“This concept is proof that it’s possible to build SUVs that could appeal to our performance enthusiast base.”
Ya, but Porsche does!