Dirt Addiction

Articles like this only make me love the Japanese more and more. They know that collective sacrifice and strict policies are required in order to keep driving as a privilege and not a right. Here in the States, we have 20-somethings acquiring used Hellcats or heavily modified German or Japanese cars and destroying

Jesus f’ing christ, how do Bloomberg, you, and the study obfuscate a simple fact so thoroughly that it took 30 minutes of scouring to find what the problem was? Bloomberg’s paywall didn’t help, had to find the data on that author’s twitter feed.

The 455 tonne potential figure is CUMULATIVE FOR THE LAST 22 YEARS.


You’re not a lefty, you’re three conservatives in a trenchcoat.

Destroying GM vehicles as a Jalopnik writer.

No... Dont fly Experimental aircraft whose builder strayed from the plans and put the fuel tank switch in an inaccessible place for the pilot to reach in case of emergency. 

For $7500 this better be an ‘89 CRX Si in Barbados yellow. But those can now bring in $30K on BAT because everyone is insane. That said, today’s CRX would be a crappy deal at $2500.

FIRST with stupid asshole reference!

Put your liquids in a clear quart size bag! What are you doing showing us that quart size bag of liquids?! We don’t care! HEY! What’s that in your toiletry kit - is that a liquid not in a quart size clear bag?! We told you to put your liquids in a clear quart sized bag - Why can’t you just follow the rules?? And stop

Developed by Ironwood Studios, Pacific Drive is set in the Pacific Northwest, and has you and your trusty old car...driving around some kind of weird alien/anomaly-filled landscape.

4 and 15 are the same crash. 

Well, this article was shit. Thanks for writing it for him, fellow Jalop commenters!

In the early 2k’s I lived in Ventura and my office was on the miracle mile, just outside of Beverly Hills. Was only 60 miles one way, but would take 1.5 - 2 hours during the busier times of day. On top of that I drove around LA and the Valley visiting clients. Put a ton of mileage on my vehicles back then.

I’m on the fence about the 718 too. Part of me is like “just buy the Boxster 4.0 and call it a day”. Another part of me is like “… but the new Lotus Emira!”.

Set up a camera. 152'-6" Canopener footage.

You missed at least 2: Toyota Tacoma and Jeep Gladiator.

If you look like you fit in with them it is amazing how fast that shit comes out. It is like their go to small talk, forget the weather, straight to unhinged politics.

Some groups also require arm restraints for convertibles, they might be worth looking into while you’re doing everything else. I went with a BRZ instead of a Miata or S2K just so I didn’t have to deal with all the extra convertible safety rules.

Weird flex given your red S doesn't mean anything to anyone except you. 

I agree. If much of Asia has been able to wear masks for years and years preceding the pandemic, then I am sure that we can as well. They wear them when they are sick to slow the spread, long before it was needed. If they can do it, then so will I. 

because who would want a giant gas guzzler in a time of skyrocketing gas prices.