Dirt Addiction

Can you please spread that sentiment to the droves of New Yorkers moving here? I always told my friends in “better cities,” trust me, you don’t want to live here. Please, stay away. I liked it just the way it was and Philly seemed like the last city that would ever change. Perpetually stuck somewhere between 1975 and

That’s correct. The Rover V8 was the aluminum Buick 215. It debuted in some BOP (Buick, Oldsmobile and Pontiac) models in 1961, but was expensive to manufacture and—in the early stages—had quality control woes. Not only that, it required special care that a lot of American owners and shops were ill-prepared to deal

And, of course, there was the Discovery I’s Honda clone, the Crossroad. See, while Honda USA relied upon Isuzu for its first couple of SUVs (the Passport and the SLX), Honda of Japan asked their new friends at Rover Group—with whom they had already co-developed several cars—to borrow the Discovery I and badge that as

F1 standards are much higher than those of the folks that camped out for Summer Jam

Not quite. By raw numbers America usually beats Venezuela for gun deaths, although Venezuela is definitely ahead on a per capita basis. Still, look at any year in the past several of decades and you’ll find America in the top 10 or 12 worst countries no matter which way you slice the statistics. Total deaths, per

...and is exacerbated when there’s more pollution being made. I live in Utah. We’re quite aware of what inversion is.

I mean, if you pause the video at one particular frame in the 3:30 second mark and bring up the levels...

Please don’t body shame Mercedes. I really like her writing and I don’t want her to get discouraged by reading comments like this.

Since they are not accruing interest, there is no upside to paying down student loans right now.

Diamond hands!

Not feeling it. I recently repaired a crashed 2020 Husqvarna 701 Vitpilen, which I think does the factory-cafe-racer thing much more cleanly. It’s fun as hell too.

Not everyone gets to schedule their own day. 

You might still find a Type R or Si that is cheap, but this is a great color.

Wasn’t sure at the first shot mocking the commuter, but the second time around you knew they were Indian (or assumed the trucker thought so)

Yeah, looks like a lot of fun. Had a few goes in Southern Utah renting SxS and hooning it in the desert. But this event, that last paragraph hits hard and is why you will never find me there ever

I hear his homeland’s glorious military has quite a few new openings for motivated young men...

This Haas to be a good read.

How to get elected in Texas...

They’d be nuts not to use an existing event, so it’ll be Olympus. Established events in the east and midwest would probably have a better draw but the schedule can treat the US as a Pacific round to combine with Japan, Korea, Australia, etc.