Except the i-Miev is capable of doing 80 mph. Actually the only place I’ve seen one is on the freeway.
Except the i-Miev is capable of doing 80 mph. Actually the only place I’ve seen one is on the freeway.
That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. So you don’t mind people driving drunk if it’s in a area where there may be people, kids, pets, and street parked cars around? Where they can still run a stop sign and pull out in front of someone?
I’m pretty sure it’s tread width(cm)/tire diameter(cm)/wheel size(inches). The tread width and diameter can sometimes also be expressed in millimeters.
As someone who tries to read as much as possible regarding cars, I was aware that the leasing company gets the tax credit (hence why many EVs have awesome lease deals), but I had no idea the the credit varied based on battery size. This is honestly the first time I’ve read about this, so I’m not surprised that Bob…
The rough finish is the whole point of Icon’s Derelict series. They leave the outside as close to as how they found it. If you want a total restomod from them, that’s what the Reformer series is for.
You said bikes though, not e-bikes. I was talking about non-powered bikes. These scooters are just slightly faster, throttle only e-bikes.
Because people don’t want to arrive sweaty to work, especially if no showers are available.
In most U.S. states a standard drivers license will let you drive any 4-wheeled vehicle under 26,000 pounds, and any 2-wheeled vehicle under 50cc/2HP.
Down? 2018 was the 4th highest attendance and they are expecting to set a record this year due to renewed interest from the Netflix series.
I would, unless you want 25 years in prison. And yes, they are technically violating Arizona state law by bulldozing those cacti. It’s just up to the state government to have the balls to say something, but they probably won’t.
The show lost me with the constant “I love you”, “I hate you forever”, “I love you again” backstabbing bullshit between all the characters.
Your statement shows how ignorant most people are about other countries. Like another person said, it would be like saying don’t go to Montana because you may get shot in Chicago. Outside of Tijuana, Baja and Baja Sur are some of the safest states in the whole country.
You only pay sales tax for the state you register the car in, not where you buy it from. Otherwise people would only be buying cars from states with no sales tax.
Yes you only pay sales tax for the state you are registering it in. I’m amazed at how many people in the comments here don’t know that. You don’t even need to do it right away. Just get a trip permit, some state’s trip permits last for 30 days, some only 3 days. Though Canada may not let you in without an official…
They won’t have to pay the PA sales tax if they have no intention of registering it there. They just need their Alaska address figured out beforehand.
All of the cars I’ve had with power windows have had the window lock feature, including my 2019 Mercedes. I usually leave it unlocked, but when my niece was in the backseat playing with the window, it was nice to be able to lock it to stop her. I’ve always figured that feature was put in place to keep kids from…
Actually it was spearheaded by Mercedes to keep people from grey-market importing their cars. You could save up to $10,000 by importing a car direct from Europe instead of through Mercedes USA due to the value of the dollar vs other currencies at the time.