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I don’t think it’s demonizing when the NRA is putting this out there:

That’s not an unpopular opinion, just a stupid one.

I don’t entirely disagree with you, but this wound is self-inflicted.

I don’t comment online

I have no opinion on this case, just wanted to say that as someone else with a mean ass narcissistic mother, it really is a mind fuck isn’t it?

Hey good for you, too bad you developed a terminal case of being a piece of shit.

Alternately, “You are tearing me apart, Lisa”

Old news, my BMW V8 has had a water-cooled alternator since it was built in 1999, haha. And it’s also got failure-prone timing chain guides, though the ones in my car have been replaced.

If you said it was a Warp Core prop for Star Trek I’d believe it.

You missed the part where Bell only admitted to providing the benefits because he got upset that Pastner didn’t call him for his birthday. No, seriously.

Handling charge?! They can handle my nuts!!!

motherfuckers suckered me in with that “low price” of $34,512, then when I went to check out they added like $1,500 in fees, no thanks

There, there, Tom.

Probably wishes he could tongue Tom brady.

Given that he personally financed all of them except the original Star Wars there was no “got to” about it.

To be fair, after the prequels, people were calling for that very type of diversity (anybody but Lucas)

Well seeing as how 4 of the Star Wars movies were directed by the SAME white man and it was his creation.... this article’s premise is so irrelevant as to pass right by being irritating right to being laughable.

Berman counted four. I counted three.

Two steps plus the one where he dragged his toe just before he broke the plane.