
As a casual Grizzlies fan who just realized Grayson Allen is in our system... fuck!

Isn’t there some adage about not getting rid of someone unless you know you can get someone better?

The ones who have MAGA shit were probably the ones most willing to appear in a photo with the pumpkin in chief.

Maybe I misunderstood, but it seems like you’re saying that police didn’t prosecute a child porn case because the offender was white???

Fair enough. The gyms where I work (US military base, ironically) don’t have barbells or racks — or attendants. I always assumed those two things were related (i.e. no attendant to help me if I get myself pinned).

Don’t free weight areas cost more to staff/supervise?  I mean, no one is going to get crushed while on a Nautilus machine.  I’m suspicious we don’t have more free weights because gyms are cheap.  Or, at least that’s the case where I work.

It was -- at best -- a 90 degree angle.  Not sure if that’s a legal lateral or not.

You know who never says, “Oh, I’d take a lie detector test!”? People who have actually taken a lie detector test. They’re brutal, even when they’re a formality and the subject has nothing to hide.

[A woman who screws around with her BF’s brother] + [a guy who screws his brother’s GF] = [a long-term relationship]?

Well said.

That was easily the most disturbing video I’ve seen in a while.

Not if the Marlins cut/deal Urena in the meantime.  It’s not like he’s a great player they can’t replace.

Not if the Marlins manage to deal/cut Urena in the meantime. It’s not like he’s a great player they can’t live without.

That’s too detailed to be fake.  Abusers abuse in all aspects of life and that’s what’s described here.

To me, Wilder has a fine goal but she’s not wording her argument very well. The best way to change an industry is from within, and you do that by hiring people who will perform well and show naysayers that there’s nothing magical about having a dick.

Am I missing something here? Aren’t jackpots good? Shouldn’t I want my ass to be in one?

It sounds like there’s a legit player-safety issue here. 65-0 isn’t a product of better coaching; that’s two different classes of athletes who are on the same field.  


It is sad that someone felt the need to cheat to recapture past glory. I mean, more power to him for his early work becoming famous for playing video games.

Those other “crap” films made something like a trillion dollars. It’s only fair that he get to make another... from a certain point of view.