
Boy I dunno, this cover is not offensive to me. Her skin tone may be light but she is obviously African American, and her proportions and dress exactly match what my 14 year old daughter looks like and dresses like, sans belly shirt (or whatever it’s called, I would draw a line there). I’m having a hard time getting

It’s racist! It’s sexist! Argh! Someone fetch my victim pants so I can be appropriately outraged!

I think JJ intended for Kylo Ren to be a more complex villain than Vader was. Vader was just straight up evil (until the end). Kylo Ren is more the angsty teenager who’s trying to find his identity. There’s clearly conflict in him. The real villain is Snoke.

That’s the whole point. You find out he’s just this regular, very unassuming person, not this dark, amoral being you meet initially.

look at that manspreading!

I believe that’s supposed to be part of the power of the reveal. Unless you kept up with the production shots that were released before the movie, you expect him to be some twisted, horrible monster but instead he’s revealed to be just some dorky kid, almost pathetic.

For the record, I just want to know...does Kim Possible get this kind of flack?

That was the exact cover that I thought of when I started reading this post. It doesn’t look like anyone draws this character as a 15-year old.


To be fair she never looked fifteen. At least not in any of the artwork I’ve seen. Also her proportions are about the same in artwork deemed “suitable” so I don’t get why people don’t freak out about her appearance in everything else.

Seriously, they got the guy that’s FAMOUS for this iconic cover:


In fairness, for Campbell that picture is pretty tame. He’s almost being restrained in his sexualization and distortion of human anatomy...

This doesn’t seem that far off from what I see whenever I drive past the local high school, although the hip-huggers are probably a bit passe.

It’s funny that I read most of the Marvel comics that come out digitally, and either I’m not noticing these covers or they’re not included. For people who actually enjoy these comics, the variant covers feel kind of irrelevant.

1st dumb move was making her just 15. 2nd dumb move was allowing J. Scott Campbell to draw her. What did they expect would happen?

This is marvels fault for being either completely tone deaf or just not having the required oversight. Artists are artists. You get what you pay for. Marvel should not have paid for this.

This is not what 15 year old teens look like? Has nobody seen Instagram?

Ok, seriously, what idiot hires J Scott Campbell for this? All the guy draws is fetishized teenage girls.

Wait, isn’t X-23 also a really young teen? And she wears really small tops that show her midriff? Truth is that when I was a 15 yr old teen in the 2000s the other girls in my class WERE into sexualising themselves. Short skirts, short shorts, tacky hair highlights that make you look like an underage popstar, cleavage