
Interesting article. If people really looked at the costs, they should be even more impressed. You figure about $10k was spent on tires - which is reasonable somewhat based on the car type. My Porsche Cayenne went through tires every 15k miles at about $1,200 a pop and those were about as cheap as I could find. Double

I think he was trying extremely hard to find something that he didn’t like about the Tesla. Everyone thinks the “soul” of driving is gone with electric. I find it only enhanced. Kind of like the Porsche guys who hate water cooling or PDK or a number of other things. The extreme quiteness of the vehicle does make you

I have both cars. 98% of the time, you’ll think different. That’s what has Porsche running scared.

I agree with this. I’ve been to the factory. All the floor workers are either black, Asian or Hispanic. The only white guy I saw on the factory floor was the tour guide. Who is calling who the n word then? Rather the guy (Vaughn) who started the lawsuit was fired for underperforming and now he’s suing because it was