
I’m generally all for anti-trust laws but in this case you have a company known for a generally respectful workplace and decent pay (relative to the standards of corporate America) taking over an absolute cesspool of a company that has treated their female employees and customers like crap. Seems like the lives of

Yeah, I’m with the group.  They’re actually not bad aside from the actual writing in the inside.  But I’d rather wear these than plain white tennis shoes with a blurry Pikachu on them.  I’d just make sure to keep my toes pointed to the front.

Looks like theyre made for 12 year olds. Right on point.

They’re not my favorite or anything, but I think they look decently better than the myriad of other geek-related shoes we’ve gotten the past few years. 

Meh. I did the full case mod with D pad, and I found that operating on the Joycon was much trickier than a DualShock or Xbox controller. Having the right screw driver is one thing (they’re cheap and magnetized), but those tri-wing screws being softer than over cooked pasta is another. It’s very easy to strip those

Well, the fact that they dropped AtGames gives me some confidence it won’t suck ass.

My only conceren here is I think the writer for BL2 left awhile back? And to me, what made BL2 stand out was it’s humor.

If anyone is on the fence about this set, go for it. It’s a fun build and a great display piece.

If anyone is on the fence about this set, go for it. It’s a fun build and a great display piece.

Some people are going to be upset it wasn’t anything official, but this is exactly what I expected and wanted - it also shows that we’ve all been right all along... Fillion is the perfect live action Nate Drake!

Kinda funny that Ford is mocking them when they started in a similar way. Constant changes to make cars easier to assemble and a focus on vertical integration.  I don’t get all the negativity on Tesla or why anyone would cheer for the most American car company in existence to fail. They are a very young company that

I don’t agree, it is not a problem. You can’t extrapolate that statement on the whole playerbase. Deathmatch works with it’s current rules, and there’s a great portion of gamers playing it. It is the only arcade mode that is always on the menu. It might not be your piece of cake though, but it’s easy to ignore. Just

I personally love it because it’s trying to condition the habit of switching. You can try and flex your one trick skills, but someone who wants to win will surely counterpick you.

Won’t end well for Epic. They need to just move on.

I blame Tracer and Genji.

I really like the WoodWick candles. They give off a nice crackle and pop sound and usually have a decent sized flame. Bed Bath and Beyond picks a scent of the month and marks them down 20% so that’s nice.

I really like the WoodWick candles. They give off a nice crackle and pop sound and usually have a decent sized

That’s not how shaders work though. The process generally looks like: bind shader -> issue drawing commands -> repeat until everything is drawn. There’s no bind shader to a specified area. The graphics hardware doesn’t even have a concept of area, that’s all vector-matrix calculus to transform coordinates relative to

I’m looking forward to being able to jump into a game mode where everything doesn’t rely so heavily on teamplay. As fun as Overwatch is, there are times when it gets really frustrating and I’d rather not have to deal with random people running around like idiots.

I have the snes 8bitdo controllers for my raspberry pi setup. So worth it, it feels almost identical to my wired super nintendo controllers with the bluetooth ability. Also good for when I want to play on my phone or macbook when I’m traveling.

I don’t play overwatch to work, I do that all day. I play overwatch to have fun and it just so happens that I find Hanzo to be a lot of fun. If it pisses anyone off, complain to Blizzard and petition to have him removed. Otherwise, I don’t particularly care. If you feel we need a tank, pick a tank. If you feel we need

Found myself feeling the same way. I have way more fun in Mystery Heroes when I don’t want to play seriously, because at least then the Hero picks aren’t anyone’s fault so I don’t care. But QP just feels pointless.