Dirk Manly

America! Fuck yeah!

The question is... if a popular democrat party president were suggesting this very same livery, would ANYONE be complaining about it?

My Country, ‘Tis of Thee is based off the Sex Pistols? Huh 

Right, because that was the preferred stance of the progressives & globalists who commissioned the design... They didn’t want anything that was contemporary or seemed too “American,” because they didn’t want it to be perceived as imperialistic and oppressive, which is how they also viewed the country as a whole.

and I’m particularly offended by it.

Is your point that colors and shapes have symbolic meaning? If so, I already said that I agree with you on that point a few posts ago. Yet you’re still beating me up over it for some reason. You’re just arguing for the sake of argument at this point.

I really don’t see anything worth the outrage.

It doesn’t say Trump all over? Then it’s fine.

It’s red white and blue.... how incredibly greedy they are... S/

Modernism should be capitalized because it refers to the specific movement/historical period. It’s also proper to capitalize Modern, Modernist, etc. in the same context to avoid confusion with the general meanings of those words.

The US flag actually is fairly simple. It’s comprised entirely of simple geometric shapes. It lacks complex and detailed iconography.

It’s not greedy. It’s not even offensive. It’s just another thing for people to feign offense over. It’s absurd.

are you fucking kidding me?

A whole article about the paint scheme of a plane and how it’s lousy and disrespectful because, orange man bad.

its not the “armed patriots” who demonsrated the inability to accept results about 3 years ago. Wasnt before that either. Try to follow actual news, not your fantasies of persecution.

If only these supposed "car journalists" could be this detailed about anything mildly car related and not political.

Yeah, there is absolutely nothing offensive about it. The people that are complaining are doing so because Trump was involved.