Dirk Manly

You forget the F-111, which has never, for even a single day, flown an “F” (fighter i.e. air-superiority) mission, because MacNamara wanted a wonder-plane that could do every single mission. F-35 is a failure to learn from MacNamara’s folly, may his soul burn in hell.

That’s not the grand total. But each and EVERY one of those, ALONE, should be a deal-killer. There’s more. But after listing those catastrophic failure issues, everything else isn’t even worth mentioning.

And what is your personal connection to the goat-fuck known as the F-35?

In the case of this supercomputer, the OIC of the operation had already wasted most of his budget on stupid shit, then had to come up with a supercomputer to fulfill his primary mission, and after all of the typical USAF cultural waste, fraud, and abuse, couldn’t afford a factory-made supercomputer. Fortunately,


The Army wins the battles, yet Congress never fails to lose the War.

And explain why it would be “a plus” without resorting to argumentum ad feelz.

Laughable. The F-35 is a money-pit. It can’t hold it’s own in a dogfight with THIRD-generation fighters (F-35 is fifth-generation).

Yeah, one of those teeny, tiny problems is that the fly-by-wire computer is incapable of staying running for as long as 4 hours.


the F-35 “will be able to”. In other words, it doesn’t. Because it can’t. The thing can’t even stay turned ON for 4 hours without the computer system crashing. Wonderful thing to have happen if the aircraft is in the middle of a dogfight.


The Air Force needs to be abolished. Long range assets put into the Navy, and short range platforms and refeulers split between the Navy and the Army.

And why would that excite you?