
hmmm, the games not out and they’re already talking about charging for some of the content. 

So if I cut the vin off a frame of a different car weld it onto the frame of a jimny can I import it to the USA. I want it so bad. New foreign car? No, legally, this is an 81 LeBaron. Check the vin

Jezebel cross post on Jalopnik. These always make for for an interesting comment section. 

Do they build some wacky cars to navigate rocky and muddy terrain? Yes.

Also you are dead on about the level 5 autonomy. Congratulations guys you changed where the seats are. Until this can drive itself it is useless and automakers have been able to choose where the seats go ever since they started making cars so this isn't revolutionary

I don’t really like the hipsters who would take this and turn it into their silly coffee vehicle. On the other hand I do really like the hipsters who would give this a serious lift and then try to take it on trails in Utah and Colorado. I recognize that each is probably equally hipster and I am probably a hipster for

Sooooo are we really not going to talk about that paisley shirt?

Doesn’t looks as good but still looks fine. More power is great especially more torque coming on earlier. Should be a fun little car and for those who don’t like the new looks the power bump should drive down the prices on used old ones so everyone wins. A small 6 speed rwd Japanese car is getting made, this is always

So angry and then immediately so happy.

Andrew is from NH I think. Seems like he lives in LA now but still. 

Slightly off topic but Maine will let you put anything on your plate. Aaaaanything. Seriously, anything.

Happy to know I’m not the only one calling it the before times. This needs to catch on.

Someone found the mail in loophole :)

Next time I screw up at work I’ll just tell everyone they don’t get it and I’m ahead of my time. 

The thing is it doesn’t look revolutionary or futuristic, it just looks ugly. Other than that it’s a very normal shape for a car. Sorry BMW you screwed up and calling all the young people trash talking you online boomers just makes you seem out of touch... unless you really think really people in their 60s on twitter

Fine with the bait. You could just title the article " ford send me a pic of the bronco" and I'd click. Also thanks for not titling it "check out these Crazy Easter Eggs!!!" Then pointing out the crossbar says bronco on top. That would have been lame and this was all in good fun and winkey

Anything that isn’t true about the 2 door isn’t true at all. Place the 2 door on the alter of impractical fun and kneel before it. Banish all thoughts of the 4 door. The four door is compromised and compromised his death. Your kids and friends and guests can simply suck it up and climb over. Not enough room for gear?

I wouldn’t. Almost every tool I’d want is larger than a multi tool.

And thank god for them and their desire to feel/be viewed as adventurous. Those people paying extra to have it first make way for cheaper versions in the future.

Slide show format: boo