
Hold hell this is ugly

That’s what I was thinking. A fellow Jew did this as a joke, probably regrets in after a year of living with it but had such hell to get in there and do it they’re not willing to open up the cluster again to remove it. With a little forethought you could have put him in a tutu. The speedometer has his arm move and

I just want to the car to go “Nein! Nein! Nein!” when the key is in and the door is open rather than “bing bing bing”

They were plenty popular when they were making them. They were focusing on driving demand rather than increasing production while they looked for a partner. My buddy waited over a year for his and he ordered pretty early on. They went belly up before he got it

Well thanks for backing out of the deal Harley. Congrats on knocking out the livewire's competition. The Alta was sacrificed on the altar of baby boomer mediocrity. Can't wait to see Harley turn to ash when all their octogenarians customers die.

Oooooh Straaaaight roles.

STFU about this in front of your mom. Acceptance is hard I don’t want to judge anyone but if you have self image issues that run this deep keep that the hell away from mom. To her you’re the most beautiful person in the world and the person she loves the most. Hearing you feel this way about yourself is torture to

Mom’s got lung issues so we have to be more careful than most people. We moved thanksgiving to early September before it got too cold drove to her house had a full thanksgiving dinner outside eating off tables made from saw horses and sheets of plywood that were 6 feet apart then drove home. Not sure what I’ll do on

The new bronco pricing is total BS. They told us what the price was and I started saving. Then this BS build and price tool comes out and it costs exactly what they said it would but that price is MORE than I saved. WTF ford, the Bronco should cost the amount of money I have not the price you said it would cost. 

yikes, no

Dino isn’t a Ferrari.”

Fair enough. I was thinking wrx since the sti is a bit hard edged for those rough roads. I always thought subarus broke often but we're cheap to fix but I guess that doesn't apply to the performance models and that makes sense. 

last night it made my head hurt. This morning after having time to get used to it just feels strangely normal.

Ok this is very fair but I’m going to put that on the editorial staff rather than the author. So far this new writer has posted about more than one cheap bus, multiple motorcycles and a fleet oddball cars and I’m all for it!

First off I think it’s very generous and kind of you to call anything subaru is making new haha. The STI is seriously long in the tooth but they are doing their best to continue to dress it up a little. My friend was saying “how great is it that we can still get a semi analog, stick shift, awd rally wanna be like when

My VW was total shit in terms of reliability but it was a Passat not a golf. My Subarus were so so but still not good. Somewhere out there there’s a person with a Ugo that’s never had an issue, it varies from car to car. Hope all your cars continue to be issue free.

A great fire can start from a single spark

lol not at all.

This is the content we need!

So it now has a real awd system not the old 2wd till you slip then awd system. That’s actually pretty awesome. Seems like it’s squinting because it’s going so fast the wind is bothering its eyes/headlights.